10 Artificial Intelligence Technologies

10 Artificial Intelligence Technologies

New technologies and industry 4.0 bring with them innovations aimed at making our lives easier, or so they promise—one of the fields where the most progress has been made in artificial intelligence. Intelligent machines are already part of our daily lives, although we do not even realize it in many cases. However, the reality is that they are still in an early stage of development and have a lot of room for improvement. 

Ten advanced artificial intelligence technologies

Artificial intelligence has come a long way in the 21st century, but it is still a long way from reaching the levels of development that some speculated about more than 50 years ago. Let’s not talk about what we are used to seeing in science fiction books or movies.

Process automation using robots

Artificial intelligence and robotics are two intimately linked technologies that already complement each other to perform numerous tasks. Among the main ones is the automation of jobs in assembly or packaging lines, hospitals and health centers, or industries such as the automobile.

At this point, the appearance of the so-called cobots or collaborative robots has been essential. These are small robotic arms that replace industrial robots. Their main advantage is sharing workspace with humans since they take up less space and are safer. In addition, they can be moved more quickly.

Word processing

Another field in which artificial intelligence has advanced by leaps and bounds is word processing. It is what is known as Natural Language Processing or NLP.

Currently, there are programs or systems capable of understanding complex texts. Thanks to this, they can carry out search, analysis, or documentation archiving tasks. It is one of the main applications of artificial intelligence in law.

However, there is still a long way to perfect the way machines decipher human language. The main problem is that artificial intelligence learns to distinguish between double meanings, meanings for the same word, or abstract terms.


Another of the most developed uses of artificial intelligence in 2021 is biometrics or people’s identification.

Many identification systems already use AI-based technology with intelligent vision. Can analyze, thanks to them, physical or morphological data such as the face, the retina, or the fingerprint. This allows the use of artificial intelligence for identity verification by recognizing biometric data.


according to a Capgemini report conducted among more than 850 managers from 10 countries, 69% of companies do not believe it is possible to fight cyber criminals without the help of artificial intelligence.

Security operations analysts have long been working with AI-based systems that allow them to analyze millions of threats and case histories to anticipate new tools hackers use to break into computers.

One of the advantages is the possibility of differentiating between false alerts and natural threats, reducing the response time and optimizing the detection of potentially harmful malware.

Quality management

Another application of artificial intelligence that will be increasingly important in the following years is process quality control.

Among the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence in this field is detecting accidents and incidents (errors that have not had consequences and, therefore, cannot be defined as accidents).

In turn, they allow knowing the time necessary to carry out actions to solve this type of incident or the mechanisms to put into practice to prevent them from happening again.

Artificial intelligence tools offer users the ability to evaluate all these processes automatically since they are all centralized in the system.

Predictive marketing

Artificial intelligence and predictive analytics have transformed the understanding of digital marketing.

Numerous marketing tools allow professionals to create profiles based on user behavior automatically. In this way, marketing campaigns can be created that are much more segmented and targeted at a specific customer. Therefore, they will be much more effective.

Digital twins

Digital twins consist of replicas of representations of the real world. Before applying them to the real plane, they are usually used in the industrial sector to carry out process tests on digital models.

The creation of digital twins uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to create models that are increasingly faithful to reality and with a very high degree of precision.

One of the advantages of digital twins is that experiments can be carried out without risk before implementing new processes or functionalities.

Industrial Internet of things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on the use of infrastructures and devices with sensors connected to the Internet that allow the connection of said devices with the network. Among its applications are home automation, smart cars, etc. It is consumer-oriented.

The industrial Internet of things (IIoT) is a branch of this discipline oriented to the industrial field. Together with artificial intelligence, it allows the creation of systems that are used in production plants, supply chains, and a long list of activities.

Virtual agents

Virtual agents, also called chatbots, have been with us for years. However, most of them were limited to generically answering questions based on natural, artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence in 2021 has already evolved a lot, and for this reason, chatbots are now capable of understanding much more complex and specific issues. The objective is to respond to users’ doubts or questions in the same way that a human being would.

Augmented reality

Another of the technological advances in which more emphasis is being placed is augmented reality. It consists of the superimposition of virtual elements in a natural environment when captured by a device. It has applications in numerous sectors: architecture, health, education, tourism, and many more.

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