Cloud Computing : Types Of Clouds And Cloud Services Models

Cloud Computing : Types Of Clouds And Cloud Services Models

Cloud computing or cloud computing provides people in business and professionals with access to solutions and applications that were previously inaccessible due to the cost of their implementation. These services are increasingly accessible, thus facilitating digital transformation processes within companies. 

Cloud services are software infrastructures, platforms, or systems hosted by third-party providers and made available to users over the Internet without the need to download additional software.    

What Is Cloud computing?

 Clouds are technological environments that incorporate, group, and share all kinds of documents and resources on a network. Cloud computing delegates applications to remote environments that constitute the cloud. Therefore, it offers computing services through the Internet.

The cloud is a way of managing technological resources, called cloud services. These resources, located on the web, are provided immediately, which is very useful for companies that need a quick response.

Main types of clouds

Public Clouds

 They are those available for public use. The public cloud is open to various users through an interface. An external company is the one in charge of managing it. Service providers own server infrastructure, so companies no longer need to buy and maintain their hardware. 

 Public clouds are typically not implemented as a stand-alone infrastructure solution but rather as part of an environment to deliver better security and performance, lower cost, and higher availability of infrastructure, services, and applications. 

 Some of the best-known public cloud providers are  Google Cloud,  IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. However, any company could offer this service.  

 Private Clouds

They are those intended exclusively for a user or a group (for example, a company or department) and are usually protected by a firewall. The use of this type of cloud offers the advantage that the technological infrastructure that supports them is generally in third-party data centers, outside the facilities of the companies that use them, which means that the traditional rules of location and ownership remain obsolete. 

 Within the category of private clouds, there are two subcategories: 

  • Managed Private Clouds
  • Exclusive clouds

Hybrid Clouds

One or more public and private clouds are combined. This way, data, applications, and services are shared transparently and securely. Hybrid environments allow the offshoring of specific applications or services. 

They are created from various environments that are connected through local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), private networks (VPNs), or APIs. 

 This type of cloud is one of the most complexes since it meets many requirements. Some are: 

  • Must include at least one public and one private cloud
  • Have two or more private clouds
  • Have a bare metal or virtual environment connected to one public or private cloud.

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Cloud Services Models

Infrastructure as a Service (PaaS ): 

This model offers end users a technological infrastructure through the Internet, being the most flexible cloud model as a service, offering technical, network and storage resources. This is what is called serverless computing. 

 Companies contract the hardware infrastructure to a third party for a rental. This allows the client to choose the processing capacity, the memory to use, and the storage space. 

 Most of the time, the user fully controls the infrastructure through an interface (API) or a control panel. 

Platform as a Service (PaaS):

In this case, an external service provider provides and manages the hardware, providing an application platform to the user. In this way, the user will create and host web applications such as databases, middleware, development tools, etc. 

Through this model, users can develop, run, and manage their applications without designing or maintaining the infrastructure. All this is very useful for developers and programmers.

 Cloud platforms are a type of PaaS that includes public clouds such as Google Cloud, IBM Cloud, or  Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Software as a Service (SaaS):

This service offers users a web application managed by the service provider. Updates, bug fixes, or other maintenance are done by the user and connected to the apps through a control panel or API. 

 SaaS eliminates the need to install applications on each user’s computer, which will lead to better forms of the group access to the software system. 

 Some examples of these services are Dropbox or Mailchimp.

 Function as Services (FaaS):

This model is event-based, allowing developers to design, run, and manage application packages as functions without the need to maintain infrastructure. 

 Its main advantage is that it is a way to implement serverless computing, where developers write business logic that is then executed in the cloud. 

 What is the cloud computing role in the IoT?

 PowerData cloud computing its a role in the Internet of things. Those who understand cloud computing know that one of its functions is to increase agility, efficiency, and reach in our business processes and daily tasks. And, precisely there, IoT intervenes as the ideal complement that helps the processing deliver more complete results. The IoT generates massive amounts of data.

 These data are very characteristic and can be defined by qualities such as the following:

  •  They come from anywhere and on any device.
  • They arrive at all times as a continuous flow of information.
  • Each of the data from the IoT, in itself, does not generate value since it is extracted from the analysis of a collection of them, which can provide context to the study of information.

Suppose cloud computing has transformed the ecosystem of organizations. In that case, the IoT is doing the same, forcing them to consider whether they need tools for processing and analysis in real-time and choosing their information sources better than ever to guarantee the return on your technology investments.

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