Cyber ​​Attacks : The New Threats In Computer Security

Cyber ​​Attacks : The New Threats In Computer Security

Computer security is one of the major concerns of the sector since cyberattacks on companies are becoming more frequent. The specialized cybersecurity firms Check Point, Trend Micro, and Sophos announced their forecasts on the prominent cyberattacks in 2022.

What will cyber attacks look like in 2022?

Targeted ransomware. During November, large companies in our country were attacked by ransomware, a virus that hijacks the devices it infects and then asks the victim for a ransom. Cyber ​​experts point to an increase in these attacks by 2022, as they generate enormous profits for cybercriminals. The potential victims will continue to be critical infrastructures such as energy and public companies.
Cyber ​​cold war. The growing international tension is, according to Check Point, the reason for the increase in cyberattacks directed or supported by some states against others. That is why it draws attention to the potential risk of a cyber cold war. The trade war between the United States and China may be a clear example of what is to come.
Deep fakes are more accessible. Trend Micro points out that today any user with basic knowledge can make deep fakes from home: videos that distort reality by manipulating the voice and face of their protagonists. The company ensures that deep fakes will focus on manipulating companies through their financial transactions and critical decisions.
Cloud Vulnerability. Sophos notes that cloud computing is becoming increasingly complex, so operator error is a growing risk. Adding to the enormous volume of information stored in the cloud, this fact makes these environments a very lucrative target for cybercriminals, who will try to infect them by injecting code.
Malware in mobile banking. This type of virus, which experienced exponential growth during 2019, can steal credentials, payment data, and funds from victims’ bank accounts. According to Check Point, new versions are available for widespread distribution to anyone willing to pay the developers.
The dangers of 5G. The implementation of 5G will pose new cybersecurity challenges in 2022. The vulnerabilities generated by the novelty and the lack of preparation of the providers can make it very easy for cybercriminals. Trend Micro anticipates that operations with vulnerable software will be the main focus of threats.

Top cybersecurity tips

If you want to know how to prevent a cyberattack, in this article, we will tell you about the computer security measures of the large companies in our country. In addition, we recommend that you take the following precautions to strengthen the computer security of your company:

  • Invest in computer security tools.
  • Conduct regular third-party risk and vulnerability assessments.
  • Verify security policies regarding home and remote workers.

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