Difference Between Inbound Marketing And Outbound Marketing ?

Difference Between Inbound Marketing And Outbound Marketing ?

Difference Between Inbound Marketing And Outbound Marketing? Both methodologies, despite being opposed, share the same objective: to generate traffic, leads, and sales for the company. So what strategy should we follow? Discover what each model consists of and choose the one that best suits your needs.

What is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound Marketing is the traditional method that companies have always used. This methodology focuses on the product, and its objective is to capture users’ attention through the issuance of messages.

Some examples of Outbound Marketing are cold sales, television ads, radio spots, telephone calls, presence at fairs, or advertisements in newspapers or magazines. These approaches are characterized by quantity, as they seek to get in touch with a mass audience. As it is a poorly segmented approach, the efficiency percentage is low and, therefore, quantity needs to prevail.


These are some of the characteristics of Outbound Marketing:

  • It is focused on showing the attributes and benefits of products and services. It searches for and interrupts the customer before they request the information, which can be annoying.
  • The search for potential clients is carried out through traditional media, such as radio, television, or the press.
  • The communication is unilateral since a message is launched without enabling channels to establish a reciprocal exchange of information. Feedback is non-existent.
  • Communication is impersonal since the message launched reaches the entire public. There is no segmentation strategy, so likely; the news does not interest the recipient.
  • It requires a high economic budget since it is necessary to invest a lot of money in hiring paid advertising space.
  • The objective is to sell, so it has a commercial focus. It does not allow the user to investigate for more information, nor is it provided with quality content. In other words, no added value is provided since it simply shows the product or service directly.
  • It isn’t easy to measure the results because it uses traditional channels.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is a methodology focused on seducing and attracting customers. To do this, it accompanies them throughout the process, from the moment they discover the brand and its products until they become loyal customers.

It is based on non-intrusive techniques that seek to attract more visitors to the website, make offers of interest to them to become leads, and automate Marketing strategies so that each information receives personalized messages. Instead of focusing on quantity, it prioritizes quality since its objective is to achieve high effectiveness rates by approaching its ideal clients.


These are some of the characteristics of Inbound Marketing :

  • It is focused on the user and the potential customer, who becomes the focus of all actions. Your goal is to cause a sensation and capture their interest through relevant content.
  • It attracts the customer instead of interrupting him, managing to encourage his interest so that the user himself looks for the content that is attractive to him.
  • Use digital media, such as web pages, social networks, blogs, and search engines.
  • Communication is interactive and two-way. This method allows establishing first contact with the user to know their tastes and needs. In this case, there is feedback, which is one of the bases of the strategy’s effectiveness.
  • It carries out a segmentation of the target audience and focuses on the tastes and needs of the buyer persona. This allows you to reach a more qualified audience interested in the product. Therefore, it saves time by attracting customers who would never be interested in the brand.
  • It involves a low economic investment because prices are not usually as high as on offline platforms in the online environment.
  • The objective is to inform and entertain the user through exciting and relevant content, so the content marketing strategy is critical.
  • It provides added value since it shows the product and integrates relevant and exciting content for the consumer.
  • The results are measurable since there are specialized tools that verify the profitability of the actions

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Difference Between Inbound Marketing And Outbound Marketing

It seems evident that Inbound Marketing is the right approach. However, these strategies do not have to be exclusive; they can be used to reinforce each other. Outbound Marketing strategies have the power to attract a large volume of users, a book that can capitalize through Inbound Marketing actions.

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