Facebook Lead Ads: What Are They And How They Work

Facebook Lead Ads: What Are They And How They Work

Advertising on Facebook is an effective tool to reach new users and convert them into customers. Facebook Lead Ads, in particular, are a format created explicitly for a critical moment in this conversion process: capturing leads. 

We tell you everything about this type of advertising on Facebook and how to start a Facebook Lead Ads campaign successfully.

What are Facebook Lead Ads? 

Facebook Lead Ads are a specific type of ad within the Facebook social platform that focuses on building a strategy for capturing leads.

To understand how they work, it is crucial to know what these campaigns consist of. Leads are those users who want to request information or obtain free content, a discount or other advantages. For this purpose, they give their data to a company to keep in touch with them (for example, via email).

Lead capture campaigns can be carried out on different platforms. Still, Facebook Leads Ads is one of the most efficient: it is about generating ads on this social network that are aimed at getting leads for a company due to their particular format.

Thus, Facebook Lead Ads take the configuration of a form where users can enter their name, email address and telephone number, among other data. In this way, it is not necessary to redirect them to an external web page, but the whole process takes place without leaving Facebook. 

Companies can target these ads to potentially interested users by creating a suitable campaign. Their products and services offer them advantages such as a discount coupon, advice, or free downloadable content in exchange for their data.

With more than 1.9 billion daily active users, Facebook is one of the most used social networks today. Facebook Leads Ads becomes a relevant strategy for businesses looking to expand their customer base with these figures.

How do they work? 

In a way, Facebook Lead Ads work similarly to the rest of the advertising options on Facebook. Through Facebook’s Business Manager platform, companies create ad campaigns that are then shown to precise audiences through advertising tools. Segmentation. 

However, Facebook Lead Ads are different in the format these ads take since they are displayed as a form where users can leave their data intuitively. 

The benefits of this type of ad to achieve leads are clear: 

They offer a simple and frictionless user experience. Since they do not refer the user to other pages, they reduce the number of steps necessary to become a lead.

Through integration, user information can be automatically saved in the CRM database of the advertising company.

Audience segmentation tools on Facebook are extremely precise and allow access to qualified leads, that is, those who are most likely to be interested in purchasing a company’s products or services.

How to create a campaign with Facebook Lead Ads

Creating a campaign is similar to other types of ads on Facebook.

Through the Facebook Ads Manager account, an ad campaign is generated. 

In the specific ad, the Facebook Lead Ads format is chosen. 

Features such as images and other design elements are introduced; the audience to which the ad is directed, and the budget for the advertising action.

The ad is thus ready to be shown to the public, appearing in the user’s feed with the same appearance as an organic post but with the “ad” tag.

In this way, Facebook Lead Ads can be a decisive lead capture action that, complemented with a coherent online advertising and digital marketing strategy, allows businesses of any size to expand their sales possibilities.

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