How To Optimize A Web Page?

How To Optimize A Web Page?

In this article we tell you how to optimize a web page in a few simple steps. Discover how to make your website faster, more efficient and more pleasant for users.

Steps to optimize your website

Having your website optimized is a very important requirement when it comes to achieving success. Among other things, you will be able to improve the time spent on the site and reduce the bounce rate, which will have a positive impact on search engine positioning. Before starting, we remind you that a fundamental preliminary step is to host your website in a reliable hosting service, such as Webempresa . Once this is done, it’s time to optimize your website “from within”.

Reduce page load time

The time it takes to load your page is important so that users do not leave your website before the content is even displayed.

Among the actions you can take to improve loading time are optimizing the size of images, not overloading the web with videos, avoiding the use of Javascript as much as possible, not installing unnecessary plugins, etc.

It should be noted that there are tools like PageSpeed ​​that not only analyze the speed of your web page on any device, but also show you the aspects that you can improve to reduce loading times.

Offer original and quality content

Another of the most important factors when optimizing a web page is to offer fresh, relevant and original content.

Avoid duplicate content , as Google would penalize you. Optimize keywords, use titles and subtitles, mark terms with bold, use punctuation correctly and check the text for spelling errors.

Be careful, not everything is based on offering a good text. This must be accompanied by other content that enriches it, such as images, videos, infographics or other similar visual elements .

Bet on AMP and responsive design

Google is very interested in your website having a responsive design , that is, that it can be displayed correctly on all types of devices. And the user too. It is likely that if a reader of your page sees that it does not display well on their smartphone, they will automatically leave the site.

Another very important point when optimizing a web page is that it has AMP or Accelerated Mobile Services . Basically, it is a framework whose main function is to ensure that the content of your website loads faster on mobile devices.

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Check the links

You must create a well-defined link structure . The Google robots that visit your website jump from one link to another, so it is important that they always have somewhere to go. Of course, articles should link to other posts with related content.

The structure of the internal links must give priority to those contents that you are most interested in positioning. The more links pointing to a certain URL, the more linkjuice you will be passing it and the more relevance that content will have for Google.

Also very important: periodically check the links for broken links . If you have dead links, the bots will crawl pages without content and leave your website. In addition, having broken links harms the usability of the web, annoys users and has a negative impact on search engine positioning .

Add a Sitemap plugin

Although the plugins to be installed must be chosen carefully (since they can negatively affect the loading time), there are some that are essential. Among them are those that allow you to create a sitemap of your website and automatically add each new content created.

The advantage of having an updated sitemap is that your website will have a defined structure that will make it easier for Google robots to crawl.

There are many other ways to optimize a web page, but with these five tips you can start with the basics, that is, create a well-organized website from the beginning, friendly to the user and the search engine robots.

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