Importance Of Social Networks For Your Business

Importance Of Social Networks For Your Business

It is increasingly important to focus on the consumer and know and satisfy their needs. Today’s consumer is demanding and has a lot of information, so they also have more bargaining power. He requires to know the companies and be able to communicate with them. All these variables make it vital for companies to have social networks to exchange information with customers.

Being present on the internet and social networks, in addition to being necessary, has many benefits for companies:

Convey the mission and vision

In social networks, companies show what their business idea is, what their reason for being is, and what line they want to follow. All this makes customers understand companies better and can empathize more with them.

Direct contact with the client

Social networks allow us to establish a deeper and more direct relationship with the consumer since they will contact them directly and get to know them better.

Better market segmentation

Social networks allow us to get to know our clients in greater depth, select precisely our target audience, and direct our campaigns only to those exciting segments.

A deeper understanding of consumers

Users share their tastes on social networks. This provides great interest to companies and allows them to better connect with their audience.

Include purchase option

Social networks allow you to include purchase options. This is very useful because it will attract the attention of many users and make part of them decide to buy directly online, especially current customers.

The brand controls the environment.

Social networks create an environment in your accounts. The company manages this environment.

Low cost

Digital communication has much lower costs than traditional communication. In addition, it has a greater scope, is more exact, and allows to measure the results.

In real-time

Social networks measure the results in real-time, which allows knowing the problems instantly and correcting them in time.

Types of social networks

In addition, we can distinguish three types of social networks:

  • Of relations: The objective of these networks is to unite people. Within this category, Facebook stands out, a star network with more than 1.5 billion users, ideal for promoting products. Twitter stands out for its immediacy and virality, making it especially interesting to create a brand. Instagram is the most visual and dynamic network and one of the most used (with more than 900 million monthly users); therefore, you must upload visually desirable content that attracts users’ attention. It is ideal for branding and getting closer to the user. However, it indeed generates less traffic than Facebook or Twitter.
  • Entertainment: In this case, the aim is to consume content rather than interact with others, which takes a backseat. The most prominent is YouTube, the largest video platform. It can be helpful to deal with topics in more depth in video format. For its part, Pinterest is also dedicated to sharing images, although it deals with more professional photos. We can link them to a website, thus increasing traffic.
  • Professional – Your goal is to establish professional relationships with other users. This makes it very useful for recruiting professionals or making exciting contacts in the sector—the most important, Linkedin, without a doubt.
  • Niche: These networks are used in specific sectors. An example is TripAdvisor, to shares information on tourism and gastronomy.

Social networks are beneficial and can significantly benefit companies if they are managed well. In addition, it is more necessary to be present every day since their use does not stop increasing.

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