Network Topologies: What They Are,Advantages And Disadvantages

When you want to connect between computers, you need to put together the network design to see how you can make the connection. When doing so, the first thing you should know is the type of network topologies that are found so that you can define how the computers are connected in each case. So keep reading and find out about the types of network topology that exist for computers.

What are network topologies?

Network topologies are a physical or logical map of a network for how computers connect to exchange data. It is a way of knowing how to lay a cable that will connect several computers part of the same network.

Several factors define what network topology is needed for a given occasion. Therefore, you must know each of its classes and its characteristics to have an idea of ​​which one is the most appropriate for your case.

Types of network topologies

In a study, work, or any other place where you need to connect several computers, it is necessary to create a network design that adapts to the distribution you want to make to generate an efficient connection. For this, there are different types of network topology:   ring, bus, tree, star, hybrid mesh, all of which we will explain in more detail below:

Ring topologies

This type of topology works simply in the network since the computers are connected in the form of a ring, that is, they create a circle among themselves; this allows the data to travel in only one direction; for this reason, it is a type of inefficient network, since if a node stops working the network of all the others falls, causing delay and even loss of information.

There is another type of ring topology, called a dual ring topology, which is the same as the main ring, but with the addition of a second redundant ring to increase the reliability and flexibility of the network.

Ring topology characteristics

The ring topology meets certain specifications; let’s see which are the main ones:

  • All computers are connected.
  • The signal path is in the form of a circle, which allows there to be neither a first nor a last computer.
  • They use wide area networks (WAN) or local area networks (LAN).
  • An RJ-45 network cable or a coaxial cable is used, depending on the network card of each computer.
  • Simplicity in architecture.

Ring topology advantages and disadvantages

  • Easy to install and simple to troubleshoot as cable faults can be located faster.
  • It guarantees a system of equitable access to resources.
  • It does not decrease performance when connecting many computers on the network.
  • Better data fluency.
  • Single-channel operating system.
  • Good long-distance communication.
  • Slight possibility of data collision.
  • When a cable is cut or damaged, it affects the entire network system.
  • The data will have to go through each computer, which can be slow.
  • It is difficult to add or remove a node on the network, which may cause system problems.
  • The transmission failure of any node will significantly affect the entire network.
  • Slow data transfer between all computers.

Bus network topologies

This type of topology is characterized by having a network connection in the local area with computers connected through a single cable, called a backbone network. The bus topology does not require any wires to communicate compared to other alternatives. Let’s see its most important specifications, advantages, and disadvantages:

Characteristic bus topology

  • All devices are connected to the main cable.
  • Information sent by a computer is transmitted down the trunk cable in both directions from the computer sending the message.
  • A coaxial cable or an RJ-45 network cable is used, depending on the type of network card needed by the computer.
  • When the node receives the data, it verifies if its destination address matches that of the data so that it can process the information. Otherwise, the node remains static.
  • It is also known as linear topology.

Bus topology advantages and disadvantages

  • Easy connection of devices to the network if they comply with the appropriate connection mechanism.
  • New devices can be immediately connected to the network without affecting it.
  • It needs a bit of cable to work, which generates less expense.
  • Data flows freely on the network.
  • The connection cable can be extended to connect more devices.
  • Terminators are made of capacitors and resistors, so they don’t need power.
  • Network signal degradation may occur.
  • This is a network that needs to take up a lot of space.
  • Limited size, as only a maximum number of computers, can be connected, depending on the length of the cable.
  • Increases the collision log due to the limited length.
  • Trying to increase the size of the cable can cause data signal loss problems.
  • The system can be slow due to a single trunk cable.
  • Limited security alternatives, since by using the same cable, any data transmission or security options will be seen by everyone.
  • The collapse of the entire network was due to some malfunction.

Star network topologies

It is a type of topology where the distribution of each of its nodes is connected to a central connection point; that is, its graphic shape is that of a star. The main point or Host works as a local server that manages the services and information between the other nodes.

Nowadays, it is one of the most used topologies since it generates better security for being one of the most straightforward and most efficient network systems. Next, I will explain its characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages better:

Characteristic star topology

  • Each computer is individually connected to the central node.
  • Data exchange only takes place indirectly via the central server.
  • The central hub works as a server that manages and distributes information to the other nodes.
  • It works with wired Ethernet structures, such as wireless routers and other components.

Star topology advantages and disadvantages

  • Decreases the possibility of failures due to its star distribution.
  • Opportunity to add, delete or change some of the nodes without affecting the operation.
  • If there is a problem on some computers, it can be easily tracked through the central server.
  • Each node relies on a separate cable.
  • The data packets should not pass through several nodes, which increases their performance.
  • Inevitable dependence on the central server.
  • If the connection is dropped at the central point, it will automatically be lost throughout the network.
  • It generates a higher implementation cost since many more cables and separate elements are required.
  • The network’s performance depends clearly on the version of the central server.
  • When the Host is damaged, it leaves the entire network vulnerable.

Tree network topologies

The topology of this network is considered one of the simplest because the connections of the nodes are represented in the form of a tree; that is, they have a point and a base. It is based on the bus topology since it has a central cable, called Backbone, which works as an information distributor to the other nodes, sharing the same communication channel.

The model of this topology is hierarchical. It is advisable to apply it when the network is extensive since all the computers simultaneously transmit the signals transmitted by the central node. Similarly, let’s see its specifications, advantages, and disadvantages:

Tree topology characteristics

  • It combines two topologies: bus and star, since it is made up of creating several star topologies connected by the same cable.
  • It encompasses the connection between the nodes since each computer has a direct link to a central server and the main cable.
  • Connecting more than two devices to the same central point is possible.
  • It allows information to be shared over a more comprehensive network.

Tree topology advantages and disadvantages

  • Reduce network traffic.
  • Allows you to have multiple network servers.
  • Node expansion is simple and easy to manage, as you only need to add a hub.
  • The control of an extensive network makes applying this type of topology much easier.
  • Easy detection of faults, problems, and errors.
  • All participating computers will be able to access any device on the network.
  • It is one of the most expensive topologies to implement.
  • It requires a lot of wiring to work.
  • Much more maintenance is needed since an extensive network system requires more dedication.
  • It is more difficult to set up due to the large size.

Mesh topologies

The mesh topology is a type of network where the devices and computers in the network are interconnected, being able to assign greater transmissions, regardless of whether the network has suffered any damage, that is, that all the nodes work as a team to distribute all the data with each other.

The nodes are strategically distributed so that most nodes have alternate paths to other nodes. Typically, this type of topology is used for wireless networks. Discover its characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages below:

Characteristic mesh topology

  • Its operation is based on a routing table, which tells each device how to communicate with the access point.
  • Routing tables are Source Identifier, Destination Identifier, Source Sequence Number, Destination Sequence Number, Broadcast Identifier, and Time to Live.
  • The network requires self-configuration and to be connected to generate short paths that allow the development of routing tables.

Mesh topology advantages and disadvantages

  • It allows carrying information from one node to others through different routes.
  • Each node has it communicates with the other servers.
  • There are no graphics problems since they have specific links to each computer.
  • It generates greater privacy and security.
  • The network size can be easily changed.
  • It does not require a central node, which generates little maintenance.
  • There is no interruption in communications.
  • It has a complicated initial configuration since it takes much more time.
  • Each device is saturated with responsibility since they function as routers and are responsible for sending data.
  • It requires a large number of cables, which causes a higher cost.
  • The increase in the workload to each node causes tension; it requires more energy.

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Hybrid network topologies

Finally, we find the hybrid topology. It is a type of mixed topology made up of two or more network topologies to cover the client’s need; that is, this type of network allows us to combine any of the previous topologies, resulting in a variety of mixtures that will be adjusted according to the physical structure of the space and the devices that will be used.

Now, since we were able to learn about the characteristics of each of the network topologies, it is essential to highlight that each of them has a specific function to facilitate the work environment for computer scientists who need to develop some of these network services.

Finally, the physical topologies that we mentioned above are necessary to know the form or distribution in which the equipment could be so that the connection between them is efficient. At the same time, the logical topology allows us to see how a network is working to maximize reliability and improve performance and response time in the devices.

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