Reasons To Create A Hashtag For Your Company

Reasons To Create A Hashtag For Your Company

Creating a hashtag for your company is one of the easiest ways to improve the reach of your business on social media. In this post, we tell you the advantages of, in addition to using hashtags that are already a trend, using your own.

It is estimated that a hashtag can improve engagement for brands by up to 50%. In addition, it allows you to track promotions and user conversations and achieve a greater reach. 

It is possible (and recommended) to use existing hashtags linked to trends. However, sometimes the amount of content around a hashtag is overwhelming, and a business’s posts can go unnoticed. Creating a hashtag for your company can make a difference in these cases. 

They create community and conversation.

The objective of social networks goes beyond promoting a company’s products and services: prospects and customers expect brands to know how to build a close relationship and two-way communication.

Therefore, creating an effective hashtag for your company also means devising a campaign that makes people talk and allows users to tell their stories. Although your brand can appear in the hashtag, the campaign is more effective if it goes beyond it.

For example, with the hashtag #ShareACoke, Coca-Cola invited users to share the stories they had lived with their loved ones around this drink. It was found that he managed to increase his income by 7%. 

They allow you to track engagement.

Creating a hashtag for your business is an easy way to track conversations around your brand and the number of users engaging with it, among other metrics. 

Once created, simply search the hashtag on Twitter or Instagram: you will see all the times it has been used and you will be able to draw valuable conclusions about what results it is having, what type of users are participating in the conversation and what they think of your business, among others. 

In addition, this search site can become a space to generate valuable interactions with your followers, replying to their messages sharing their posts.

They make your promotions and events go further.

Launching a promotional campaign, giveaway, or event on social media is an easy way to get users talking about your products or services. Through the creation of a specific hashtag for your company for that promotion or event, you generate greater discoverability of this type of publication, in addition to being able to monitor them easily.

They improve discovery and increase traffic.

Hashtags are an effective way to get your content to people who aren’t already following you. That way, people who follow or explore a topic are more likely to discover your hashtag and start following you. 

They empower the most loyal followers.

Loyal followers are those who engage with your content and, in turn, make their posts featuring your products or services. Encouraging this type of user to use a hashtag of your company makes you have greater visibility of this content created by the users themselves, and you can encourage them to generate more.

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