Smartphones: Artificial Intelligence In Our Pockets

As a consequence of its constant presence in science fiction novels and movies, talking about Artificial Intelligence still seems ethereal, fanciful, a product of the imagination of those who have the talent to project scenarios of a promising technological future.

However, the reality is that this area of ​​knowledge that combines computation and logic for the design of algorithms capable of solving problems and performing tasks autonomously in imitation of humans is something that, almost without realizing it, we have been using for years.

The truth is that Artificial Intelligence is increasingly present in our lives, acting almost with its own life from our pockets, especially with the emergence of the smartphone or smartphone.

What are the main uses of Artificial Intelligence in a Smartphone?

Whether we are aware of it or not, utilities based on Artificial Intelligence in smartphones allow us to improve usability and interaction with our devices and solve problems and needs even before we are aware of them.

Natural language recognition

Although voice recognition systems have existed for years, the advancement of Artificial Intelligence has made it possible to improve their accuracy very significantly.

Today the operating system of smartphones includes a voice recognition solution based on Artificial Intelligence. It is true that these solutions can, and will, improve, as we still sometimes face interpretation problems, but in general, we can say that the basic functionalities are more than solved.

The artificial voice sounds more and more human, with tonal and prosodic inflections that mimic human production.

Virtual assistants and real-time translation

In parallel, and due to the recognition of natural language, other technologies have appeared that have already been integrated into our smartphones.

We are talking about virtual personal assistants (Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, etc…), which, beyond helping in searching for information and the activation of music services (for example), stand out for being based on an interface-based voice.

Nor should we forget about translation services: thanks to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and the users’ corrections and evaluations, this type of software can constantly improve and even adapt to specific thematic contexts. And the innovations do not end there: many smartphones already incorporate translators capable of “interfering” in a conversation in two languages, facilitating the translation in real-time, and, therefore, the communication between the interlocutors.

Habit learning and predictive analytics for a unique and personalized experience

One of the most useful and, at the same time, most invisible solutions that smartphones have incorporated is the ability to learn from our usage behaviors (habits, searches, location, etc.) to automate regular and repetitive operations or offer recommendations and shortcuts.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, it is also possible for the device to perform predictive analysis that allows us to anticipate our needs , display information, or activate certain functionality just when we need it, even before we have time to request it.

Predicting what we will write in a message and the automation of responses are other features already available.

Computational photography

The advancement of digital photography on smartphones is one of those advantages of Artificial Intelligence that, unlike many others, does not go unnoticed by users. Where optics and physics cannot reach due to the pure logic of the size of the devices, computational photography arrives there.

The examples are many and varied: the recognition of objects and scenes in real-time to offer the best shot and the most appropriate digital processing (present almost since the appearance of digital photography), predictive autofocus (capable of anticipating where we want to focus based on in machine learning algorithms ), intelligent digital stabilization, better color reproduction, noise reduction in images, a more natural portrait effect or the creation of intelligent photo galleries (by people, by event, by theme or location ). These are just some of the technologies that make mobile photography more serious and professional.

Augmented and virtual reality

The ability of a smartphone camera system to recognize objects, places, or people is not only beneficial for mobile photography.

By integrating this function with augmented reality, our mobile can understand the environment precisely and offer additional information, turning the device into an interactive pocket encyclopedia or a shopping assistant capable, for example, of displaying the prices of what is capturing the camera.

Noise reduction on calls

Not only the image and photography benefit greatly from Artificial Intelligence. More and more smartphones incorporate sound noise reduction technologies in calls, something that impacts better communication.

Increased processing and battery efficiency

Another invisible utility for the user that impacts a better user experience is optimizing the device’s performance and the battery based on our patterns of behavior and smartphone use.

Thus, more and more devices can be adapted to reduce processing power when it is not essential and increase it when it is essential. This also translates into better battery management, extending the period between charging and charging. Regarding the optimization of the battery, Artificial Intelligence also serves to establish an optimized charging system, extending its useful life.

Not only the image and photography benefit greatly from Artificial Intelligence. More and more smartphones incorporate sound noise reduction technologies in calls, something that impacts better communication.

More secure biometric authentication

It should be noted that this aspect is also benefited by Artificial Intelligence, allowing the combined use of different biometric and behavioral data to recognize the user with greater accuracy and reliability.

Tech Buzz Tips

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