Steps To Audit Your Website

Steps To Audit Your Website

The purpose of auditing your website is to study it in-depth and see what is good and what needs to be improved (just like the exams you did at school). You should know what you are looking for and need and what resources you have to achieve it. Let’s see the keys to passing this exam with flying colors.

The consumer is increasingly more demanding and wants quality in a short time. The first results of your internet searches are a guarantee of this. Google acts as a judge who determines who is “good” and who is not and orders the results: first the best and relegating the least valuable to the end. To get the first place in this opposition exam, you have to, like in any other, prepare for it; in this case, the preparation involves getting a good SEO positioning strategy. Keep in mind these five steps to audit your website.

With whom I speak?

It is essential to know who you are targeting, that is, to determine your target audience, your target. Define your buyer persona, that is, the typical buyer who will be interested in your product. Depending on how your ideal client is, they will be interested in one thing or another (an active and independent 25-year-old girl is not interested in the same topics as a 58-year-old married man with three children) and, therefore, the content of your website should be different.

Things clear and fast

Your website must be easy to use, intuitive and organized. The user must be comfortable on the page, which will make them spend more time on it, thus improving SEO positioning.

It is also essential that it looks perfect on all types of devices, that is, that it is responsive; In addition, we must take into account that the majority of visits will come through the smartphone, which makes it even more essential to take care of the presentation on this type of device.

The consumer is impatient and has no time to lose. The website must load quickly; this will be necessary to optimize the code and weight of the multimedia files and have quality hosting. If your website takes a long time to load, the user will abandon it without seeing your face.

Another aspect that must take into account is the links. You must correctly use your internal and external links and redirect broken links. The Link Building is one of the most valued things in positioning: that your website is referenced in others of quality and related to yours is a sign that your page is essential.

The wind does not carry the words

It is essential to monitor the content we create. You must include relevant and attractive content for the target and update the entries that have not gone as expected.

Posts with text, especially if it’s interesting, work; but multimedia files, more: they look faster and are more eye-catching. Everything that the current client is looking for.

Keywords open doors

It would help if you used keywords but not abuse. Keywords should flow naturally through the text and not force their way into it.

In addition to using keywords, you should properly use the HTML, URL, and alternative text of the images, as this will also contribute to good SEO positioning.

Convince google

As we have said before, Google acts as a judge, and the variables it uses to pass judgment are:

  • Security: the URL must start with “HTTPS,” which means that it has an SSL certificate and that, therefore, it is a safe place.
  • Subdomains for less important content allow you to include content that you need that is not relevant without damaging the domain you are looking to position.
  • Sitemap: Google has favoritism, and prefers sitemap domains, as they make it easier for their robots to analyze your page.

 Data is the new oracle

One of the most valuable and relevant things is to measure the results. Analyzing the results allows you to know exactly what works and what does not, thus correcting errors and improving future guidance.

Getting a good SEO positioning is essential for your website to have the success you expected. If you follow these tips, your ranking will improve considerably, and you will be one step closer to achieving your goals.

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