Tricks To Improve The WiFi Internet Connection

Tricks To Improve The WiFi Internet Connection

Do you have problems with your WiFi connection? Is the internet too slow for you? Don’t worry, in this article we give you a series of tricks to improve the Wi-Fi internet connection in your home. You are ready? So let’s go there.

Why is my WiFi connection slow?

There are several reasons why a WiFi connection may be slow. For example, having an internet speed that is too low, having too many devices connected to the same WiFi network, or even by the very structure of the house can prevent the signal from propagating correctly.

By contracting only fiber, you may connect several devices to the same router. Considering that the bandwidth is limited, this may affect the quality and speed of the connection in each of these devices.

However, there are specific recommendations and tricks that you can follow to make your WiFi connection work better. Below we show them to you.

7 tips to improve the Wi-Fi connection at home

Internet speed depends mainly on the service you have contracted with your internet provider. However, some instances in which the connection can be improved by following a few simple tricks.

Choose well where you place the router

One of the tricks to improve WiFi speed is to place the router in the right place. The most advisable thing is to do it in a central location in the house, where the signal can spread evenly throughout all the rooms. Similarly, try to avoid walls, blocks or other structural obstacles that could cause the sign to be “trapped”.

Use a wireless amplifier

Various devices allow you to amplify the WiFi signal , such as repeaters or WiFi Mesh systems. They are beneficial in large homes where the WiFi signal does not reach certain rooms in the house. Thanks to these amplifiers, the movement can be taken from one point to another. Of course, when choosing a signal booster, keep in mind that not all of them can maintain the actual connection speed or that each model covers a particular area.

Clear the DNS cache

Computers with Windows or Mac operating systems usually store the data of the addresses that the user has already visited to improve DNS load and resolution times. However, all that stored data can hurt both security and connection speed. Therefore, another of the tricks to enhance a home WiFi connection is to delete the information stored in the DNS cache.

Try not to saturate the connection

Imagine that the WiFi connection is a tube through which a series of data travels. The more data one person uses, the less space is left for other users. On many occasions, we connect many devices to the same WiFi router. When all these devices are working simultaneously, the speed of the connection suffers.

Apart from the number of connected devices, the use that each of these devices makes of the connection also influences. For example, if you are monopolizing a lot of speed to download P2P files with a computer, it is logical that the rate in the rest of the devices is lower.

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Choose the right band

Today, routers or devices that connect to them via WiFi allow you to choose between the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. You have to select the one that best suits your needs. The 2.4 GHz offers a lower speed but a more significant connection distance. In contrast, the 5 GHz provides a much faster connection, but the signal’s amplitude is more down.

Make sure there are no intruders on your WiFi

Another reason your WiFi connection may be too slow is that someone is using it illegitimately. For example, some neighbor of yours is stealing your signal. For this reason, you should avoid having open or easy to “hack” WiFi networks. The most advisable thing is to change the password from the factory and modify the access password from time to time. You can know if someone is stealing your WiFi thanks to applications like ‘Who is on my WiFi’.

Replace the router

Most users usually keep the router provided by their internet provider. But what if we told you that some of these devices are of inferior quality and can be one of the main reasons for having a slow connection? Therefore, replacing the router with one with better features can significantly improve the quality of your WiFi connection.

In summary, these are some of the best tricks to improve the Wi-Fi internet connection in your home. If the internet is slow for you, try some of these tips and let us know how it went.

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