Types Of Facebook Ads

Types Of Facebook Ads

Creating Facebook ads is a sure way to get more traffic to your website and multiply the number of users who know your brand, among other functions. Learn about the 12 types of Facebook ads and choose the one that best suits the needs of your business.

What is a Facebook ad?

Facebook ads are a type of online advertising shown only on the different platforms of Facebook and its sister network Instagram.

In other words, these are advertising messages that companies pay to appear in users’ feeds on Facebook and Instagram, and the Messenger application can take many different formats.

Types of ads

Image ads

The most straightforward format of Facebook ads: an image appears and allows users to click on the content that the company wants to promote (for example, direct users to the company’s eCommerce site).

Video ads

This audiovisual ad format can appear in both the main feed and Facebook stories, as well as Facebook streaming videos.

Survey Ads

It is an ad format that only works on the mobile version of Facebook and seeks to achieve interactivity by adding a survey with two possibilities to an image or video advertised.

Carousel ads

A carousel ad uses ten images or videos to showcase a product or service. This format can show the benefits of a single product or advertise multiple products at once.

Slideshow ads

In this case, animated photos are displayed so that the user sees one after the other as if it were a video. The Facebook Ads software itself allows the creation of this format, which can also add music.

Collection ads

This Facebook ad includes an introductory video or image with three smaller images displayed below it, creating a grid layout. Once the customer clicks on the main image, a fast-loading experience is generated to see more product details.

Instant Experience Ads

A fast-loading, full-screen ad format only allows you to include video and image carousel formats on mobile devices. This type of ad promotes interaction and creates a more significant visual effect.

Lead ads

This ad is specially designed to generate sales leads, as it allows users to provide their contact details easily and quickly without leaving the social network itself.

Dynamic ads

This type of ad allows you to do retargeting, targeting users who have already visited your website or shown interest in your products (for example, those who have added a product to their online shopping cart but later did not buy it). It also allows advertising to wider audiences, which are not aware of the brand but have shown interest in similar products or services.

Messenger Ads

They appear in the messaging application associated with Facebook. Users will see those ads in the “Chats” tab of the Messenger app. When they click on an ad, it will take them to a detailed view in Messenger, where a call to action will take them to the chosen destination (a website, an app, or a conversation with your company in Messenger).

Ads in stories

They are inserted into Facebook or Instagram stories in a full-screen portrait format. To create them, you must check the location of Facebook Stories (checked by default) or Instagram Stories in the ad settings and choose the single image or single video (for Facebook) ad formats, to which you can add the sequence format (On Instagram).

Augmented reality ads

They use animations or filters to make users interact with your ad. For example, a sunglasses brand can create an ad that allows users to digitally try on their latest models by taking a selfie and using a filter.

Why should you advertise on Facebook?

Targeted advertising: one of Facebook’s strengths is the segmentation capacity it allows, thanks to the amount of data it has on users. Thus, it is possible to create campaigns with personalized target audiences following demographic characteristics such as age, marital status, location, and interests, among many other options.
Reach – With 2.4 billion active users, Facebook offers invaluable reach for your business.
Return on Investment – ​​96% of network marketers believe that Facebook offers the best Return on Investment (ROI).

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