What Is 5G Technology And Its Advantages

What Is 5G Technology And Its Advantages

5G is the acronym for the fifth generation of mobile phone technologies. It is a further step in mobile communication technology after the previous generation (4G), which aims to make mobile data communication much faster and more reliable.

Each generation introduced important innovations: with the first (1G) mobile phones were born; the second (2G) introduced digitization and text SMS; the third (3G) allowed Internet access; the fourth (4G) increased the speed of data transmission, which made possible, among other things, the massive viewing of streaming videos.

The fifth-generation (5G) will make it possible to manage even more connected devices with higher data transmission speeds and shorter transmission times. It will create new services such as autonomous cars, virtual reality, industrial automation, or the Internet a reality. of things

A document published in February 2020 by the CCARS entitled ” 5G and Health ” concludes that, based on the scientific evidence available to date, the general population can be calm about the alleged implications that the radiofrequency emitted by this technology could have. For health, it is expected that the foreseeable exposure levels will not change significantly and, in any case, may not exceed the maximum permitted limits that guarantee public health concerning electromagnetic emissions.

Main innovations

5G will be possible thanks to a series of innovations that have been launched in recent years:

  • mmWave: the use of millimeter waves at high frequencies, which will allow reaching high transmission speeds (up to 20 Gb / second).
  • Small cells: the deployment of small antennas that ensure continuous coverage, especially in urban environments and in the presence of obstacles, such as buildings or trees.
  • Massive MIMO: a greater capacity of the networks to serve more devices and a greater volume of data traffic.
  • Beanforming: A point-to-point transmission of data directed from the antennas to the devices.

And many more that are still in the research and experimentation phase.

Advantages of 5G technology

The main advantages that 5G introduces concerning 4G are:

  • Higher data transmission speed. When 5G arrives, we will possibly experience the most significant jump in a rate that we have not seen since the Internet appeared. In absolute terms, 5G networks can multiply the maximum speed of 4G by about twenty times, up to a minimum of 10 Gigabit per second (Gbps), which will allow, for example, offering content in ultra high definition or experiences of virtual reality.
  • Much shorter data transmission time (latency), around 1 millisecond (ms), than the 20-30 ms typical of 4G networks. This will pave the way for services that need speedy response times, such as autonomous vehicles, remote control of heavy machinery, precision surgery, or even remote surgery.
  • Ability to provide connectivity to millions of devices. 5G offers architecture and technology capable of supporting 100 devices per square meter, eliminating current coverage problems during crowds and events. But it will also give a tremendous boost to applications for SmartCity (connected lamps, appliances, electric poles), utilities (water, gas, electricity companies), and location tracking of objects, children, people, pets, elderly.
  • Better features of mobile devices. The need for memory will be reduced since it will be possible to access data and run programs remotely in the cloud. In addition, the more intelligent transmission and reception of the signal will lower the energy consumption of the devices, and the batteries will last longer.

5G technology frequency bands

 The 5G signal, like any other technology based on the transmission of electromagnetic waves in space, uses certain frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Specifically, 5G will operate in three different spectrum bands:

  • 700 MHz band provides comprehensive coverage in urban, suburban, and rural environments and allows a download speed of 100 Mbps. These are frequencies currently used by digital terrestrial television (DTT), which, for this reason, must be released before June 2020.
  • The 3.6 GHz band offers a good combination of coverage and capacity benefits, allowing speeds of up to 3 Gbps to be reached. This band was free and has already been assigned to telecommunications operators through tender throughout 2018.
  • 26 GHz band, designed for nearby access points and which, thanks to the use of high-frequency millimeter waves (mmWave), will allow the high speeds and low latencies expected for 5G to be achieved and will help the deployment of services such as communication by high definition video or virtual and augmented reality. It is currently used for weather forecasting and some satellite communications. The technical conditions for its use must be defined to be able to carry out a future tender.

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