What Is Business Software

What Is Business Software

Today, information technologies (IT) play a vital role in business strategies, prompting them to make changes in the way they carry out their processes to improve them and achieve competitive advantages.

Within the information technologies (IT) resources of a company, we find business software, programs aimed at achieving maximum efficiency in the control of activities and processes carried out by a company. Their ability to personalize and adapt to different needs makes them an excellent tool for the company.

To make a good decision about the business software that you are going to integrate into your company and not make any mistakes in your choice, it is first advisable to know what types of solutions you can find on the market, their features, and management applications. Next, we leave you some of the main ones.

What is business software?

 Business software is a computer program specially designed to simplify and facilitate the tasks or processes of the different departments that make up a company: accounting, financial, HR, logistics, and event marketing. They generate high added value in terms of efficiency and economic effectiveness, and it is for this reason their use is becoming more widespread.

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Types of business software

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

It is one of the types of software most used by companies, especially those related to production, inventory, logistics, etc. In addition, it is one of the complete solutions since it covers purchasing and sales management, human resource management, production management, accounting management, and planning and stock management.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

It is a type of software aimed at managing and retaining customers by administering their data. In addition, it is also used to collect emails, budgets, telephone or physical appointments, and any other type of related data.

BI (Business Intelligence)

It is software aimed at the analysis of all the existing data of the company and its strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, which will allow us to set more detailed objectives and make decisions quickly.

Human resources management

Within the business software, we find those programs designed to facilitate or speed up processes of the human resources department, whether it is the management of vacations or absences, the registration of working hours, payroll, contracts, etc.

SAT (Technical Assistance Service)

It is a type of software designed to resolve incidents and manage the work of the company’s technical operators. It is usually used in maintenance and specialized assistance companies since it speeds up reaction times.

Custom software

And finally, there is also the alternative of betting on acquiring customized software that adapts to your company’s needs, meets its requirements, and has the functionalities you want.

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