What Is Google Adwords And How Does It Work

What Is Google Adwords And How Does It Work

Today no advertising campaign is not done online. And if we talk about internet ads, we can not forget Google Adwords (currently Google Ads). This is the most used platform in the world of digital advertising today. It gives businesses the ability to include their ads in people’s Google search results. And it is one of the best ways to optimize SEM advertising campaigns.

To start using it, you have to have a Google account, and thanks to it, you can track the campaigns and manage and control their expenses.

How Google Adwords works

Its strategy consists of a bidding system between advertisers. They are the ones who decide the amount they are willing to pay, and the one that wins is the one that is finally shown on the network. This type of advertising has a reserved part on web pages. Although years ago, it was not explicitly announced that they were sponsored entries, it has to be noted that they are spaces dedicated to advertisements.

Google charges the customer for each click on their ad; in this way, the cost becomes a true reflection of the traffic gained on the web. The format of the ads does not allow images, and the text must occupy a maximum of 4 lines. The advertiser must reflect the maximum amount he is willing to pay for each click on a word. And not all terms have the same price: it is known as keywords or keywords. With Google Adwords, the cost of the click is auctioned for each keyword.

This platform has different tools when advertising your business. One of the most used is ads in search results, but there are other means such as banners in applications, YouTube video advertising, the content network, etc.

SEM campaigns in Google Ads

We are already used to seeing SEM campaigns at the top of Google searches. Search Engine Marketing is based on promoting a website through paid advertisements or advertising platforms such as Google AdWords. Here the positioning results are almost immediate.

Google Ads offers customers many possibilities when it comes to advertising. This platform is divided into the search network and the display network. In the first, you can only advertise in text formats, which will be displayed when the user searches on Google. In the second case, the ads can be promoted in different forms, such as text, banners, videos, etc. You can choose one of the two networks to advertise SEM campaigns.

Advantages of Adwords for companies

  • When you use the right keywords, placement, and topics, the ads that appear to people are the ones that interest them.
  • The control you have over the investment is excellent. You decide when to carry out the campaign on what days and time slots to appear. You can stop the movements when you deem appropriate and reactivate them later or leave them paused.
  • More economical. You will only pay as an advertiser for the clicks received, which translates into paying for a client who will be interested in your services.
  • Tracking campaigns with their statistics and keywords will help you optimize your business and obtain a much higher cost-benefit ratio.

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