What Is The Internet Of Things(IoT)?

What Is The Internet Of Things(IoT)?

The internet of things , internet of things or IoT , its acronym in English, is defined as referring to devices that connect to the internet and allow tasks to be carried out remotely . Although it seems like a completely new concept, this idea has been part of our daily lives for more than three decades.

Technology and its advances always seek to improve people’s lives or solve current problems, and the Internet of Things is no exception. Through this system, you can have more and better control of different devices, which make life easier today.

A network of objects

A simple way to understand the internet of things is as a network of physical objects connected to the internet. These objects generally have specialized hardware that allows them to perform a certain task and also have an active internet connection so that they can be managed and monitored remotely.

When connecting to the internet, each object receives a specific IP network with which it can be controlled. This system aims to make the use and monitoring of these objects more efficient and requires less effort.

Internet of things application

Despite more and more advances in how to integrate technology into our homes, the Internet of Things is still not considered to be part of the mass market objects that we use in our daily lives.

However, home assistants such as Amazon ‘s “Alexa” or “Google Home” show that companies want to introduce this system to everyday life. Through these devices you can control lighting, temperature and entertainment inside the house, integrating the internet of things to home management in a more technological way.

In industries, the internet of things is very present in machinery and control elements, allowing better operation and monitoring of each device through an interconnected network between them.

It can be found inside manufacturing machinery, sensors and robots in mass production, centralizing control of the factory through this network. It is also used to monitor the health of patients in clinics and hospitals, offering greater efficiency and privacy for people.

On the other hand, it is used in instances of government control, in elements of urban infrastructure such as traffic lights, bridges and cameras, among others. The internet of things allows a better functioning of the city due to the possibility of changing and controlling the different elements as needed.

In addition, we can find this system in environmental control through sensors that indicate temperature, climate and even anti-seismic sensors. This type of device aims to anticipate any weather change, monitored by the internet of things.

And what will happen in the future?

The changes in current technology and the introduction of more and more virtual assistants that can help us with any daily task, denote the desire to integrate the Internet of things to more aspects of the personal life of each individual.

Although technology helps us, connects and solves problems; many still fear the invasion that this implies to intimacy, for being present in work, leisure and family settings. Despite this, the convenience that the internet of things provides in the management and control of different objects through the same network cannot be denied and how it can help us to carry out different daily tasks more efficiently.

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