What Is Twitter Shopping And How It Works ?

What Is Twitter Shopping And How It Works ?

For years, the development of social platforms has gone hand in hand with the possibility of monetizing them and incorporating integrated stores into the profiles themselves. Twitter Shopping is the latest proposal of this social network in this sense.

Twitter already started exploring the possibility of integrating stores into profiles in 2015 (incorporating, for example, purchase buttons and product pages). However, the initiative has not finished crystallizing until 2021 with the creation of Twitter Shopping.

What exactly is Twitter Shopping, and how to make the most of this new opportunity on the platform? We tell you.

What is Twitter Shopping? 

Twitter Shopping is a new tool developed by Twitter to incorporate products in the profile and publications of companies on this social network. Thus, it is about making it easier for companies to show their products and allowing purchases from the platform comfortably and straightforwardly. 

The social networks launched this initiative in the summer of 2021. However, initially and on a trial basis, it preferred to limit it to selected stores and users in the United States who used English-language iOS devices. But it is to be hoped that it will soon be available to companies from all countries.

The possibility of integrating Twitter Shopping has been developed almost simultaneously as other changes to this platform have occurred in recent months, such as voice tweets.

How does Twitter Shopping work? 

Regarding how Twitter Shopping works, it is first necessary for the platform to verify the company profile. This social network aims to provide added security for users who will make their purchases more safely using this first step. 

In addition, in a post on its blog, Twitter advanced more about the form that the profiles that incorporate stores and products took.

On the one hand, a brand profile with Twitter Shopping will have a space dedicated to displaying products in the highest and most visible part of your profile. Thus, users will be able to scroll through a carousel of products and expand information and make purchases, all without leaving the Twitter application itself.

In addition, the platform will allow customizing some of the store’s modules and parameters, generating profiles adapted to the needs of each business. 

Finally, Twitter has recently announced the launch of Live Shopping, a feature that will allow you to buy live videos. The first test of this system took place on Sunday, November 28, on the occasion of Cyber ​​Week and in collaboration with Walmart. The forthcoming creation of Twitter Shopping Manager has also been announced , a tool that will speed up the management of product catalogs.

Benefits of Twitter Shopping for businesses 

A wide audience for your products. Twitter has 206 million active users every day, according to figures published in Statista. Companies that incorporate a store with their products through Twitter Shopping access this potential audience, putting their products in front of customers who may be interested in them.

Possibility of increasing sales through advertising. Social media advertising is a way to multiply the reach of a company’s posts, messages, and products on these platforms. Thus, the combination of Twitter Ads and Twitter Shopping can significantly increase your impact.

Improve the user experience. The integration of products in the Twitter profile itself means that the shopping experience is more straightforward and intuitive, reducing the steps and clicks necessary for a user to purchase a product. 

In short, and like other shopping tools on social networks, such as Instagram and Facebook Shopping, Twitter Shopping will offer companies the possibility of bringing their products closer to their potential customers. In this way, the need for businesses to have professional management of social networks that allows them to build a relationship with their customers and take advantage of the full potential of these platforms.

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